When you search for some periods like hotels, you tend to see domains like hotels.com at the top. And because of that, you’re probably like, Oh, my God, it would be amazing if I owned an exact accord domain name.
Hey everyone, I’m Abhi Tayade and today, I’m going to break down why you shouldn’t buy an accurate accord domain name. ( upbeat cheerful music) Now before we are starting, make sure you subscribe to this channel. And if you’re on YouTube, click the alarm notification. Whenever you Google terms like inns, you may end up seeing sites like hotels.com at the top. And this may move you to think that Hey, I need to go out there and spend a ton of money to buy one of these exact match provinces where the exact keyword that I want to rank for is the domain name. Well, hotels.com is a little bit of an anomaly and most of us, including me, we can’t replicate that because we just don’t have enough money.
If you go to hotels.com, you’ll quickly see it’s a very large corporation. They run tons and tons of caveats. They’re owned by Expedia Group, which is a multibillion-dollar publicly traded company. So, yes, hotels.com is able to rank really well because they have the exact match domain name, but they’ve also created a brand around hotels.com. And here’s what I entail by this.
If you Google for most generic expressions like a nurse, you’ll find that nurse.com isn’t ranking number one, it’s actually ranking numeral three. You have Harbouring World that’s number one, then Wikipedia, then you have nurse.com, and then Medical News Today, and the roster goes on and on. What you’ll end up seeing is if someone’s Googling your arena or the keyword, which is the exact match of your discipline, and you don’t get a lot of sounds, it actually can hurt your positions. Here’s what I make by that. If you go look at my analytics here for neilpatel.com, I’m getting approximately 4.43 million clinks from Google in the last 28 periods. One of my more popular keywords is Ubersuggest. Another one is Neil Patel. When parties are Googling Ubersuggest, 81% of people are actually clicking on my website.
So when people Google for expressions like Ubersuggest, you’ll look I have the indented register and then they’ll click on my lean. But what most people don’t realize is if a lot of beings skip this listing now and they went to number two or numeral three, what would that tell Google? It would tell Google that, Hey, this neilpatel.com website isn’t as relevant towards this keyword. A lot of parties are bouncing over it because they don’t like it.
They don’t want to click on it. So if everyone hop-skip over my lean, and they’re not, because as you can see here, I’m at 81%, but hypothetically imagine if everybody bounced it, it would tell Google, Hey, this area shouldn’t grade at the top. People don’t like it as much. So then they’ll start pushing up the other websites higher and higher up, which can hurt your higher-rankings. Now, the target of me cracking this down to you and telling you this is most people are like, I want a generic domain. Well, unless you have the ad budgets of Expedia’s or hotels.com, it doesn’t work that well because you’ll end up being in the same position as nurse.com. And if a lot of people are Googling your domain name but they’re not clicking on your index, let’s say if only 20% of parties actually sounded on your schedule instead of that 70, 80%, what you’ll perceive is your rankings for all your other sheets won’t do as well, because it’s telling Google, Hey, this place doesn’t have strong label loyalty.
People don’t love this brand. If you have a strong brand like Nike, you’ll start standing better for all the other calls out there like shoes and apparel and trash like that. Just like with me on neilpatel.com, I rank for expressions like SEO. You know, I may not be number one for every term, but I’m still at the top. So I’m here crowd four. And I too rank, or amount five, Moz, Moz, Search Engine Land, Google, then me. And I also grade for many other words, like if I start a category in online marketing, you know, I’m number two. And the reason I’m ranking for a lot of these calls is that I have a strong clickthrough rate for many of my other pages. But if your firebrand, like your brand, my symbol is Neil Patel and Ubersuggest, because I have an app called Ubersuggest, and my specific is Neil Patel. If parties aren’t ticked through when they explore my label, it tells Google that I have low-toned symbol loyalty, which hurts my position on my overall website.
So if you’re going to pick a domain name, don’t pick an accurate competition domain name. It’s fine to have your keyword in the domain, but you don’t want your domain name to be a quote-unquote, Generic keyword, because it can hurt your overall positions. If you have any questions about domain names when it comes to SEO, feel free, and leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this video, like it, share it, tell other beings about it, subscribe to the channel. Thank you very much..
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